4th Floor Files talks to Albert Balido about realism, Sine Die parties and being yourself

Originally Published: April 2015    


The newest chapter of the “4th Floor Files” features Albert Balido, principal founder of the Tallahassee-based Anfield Consulting. Balido’s boutique public affairs firm represents a wide range of interests, including Florida Crystals, the cities of Miami and Frostproof, Hewlett Packard Co., the Florida Education Association, and the Southern Poverty Law Center, to list a few.

Significant other? Children? Grand kids? 

Married 11 years to Noreen Reboso. One child, an English Bulldog named Doughnut.

In 25 words or less, explain what you do.

Put my clients in a position to win on the last possession of the game. And yes, it always comes down to the last possession.

Without using the words Democrat, Independent or Republican, conservative or liberal, describe your political persuasion.

I consider myself an Enlightenment thinker with my feet firmly planted in Burkean realism. 

If you have one, what is your motto?

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.

During your career, have you had a favorite pro bono client?

The Roskamp Institute in Sarasota. They are doing some amazing work in the cancer and Alzheimer’s arena. My father who was a physician both in Cuba and here in the U.S., died of cancer at too young of an age and that issue has been very dear to me.

Three favorite charities.

ALS Association, Riverkeepers and Florida English Bulldog Rescue.

Any last-day-of-Session traditions?

I enjoy music a great deal and have hosted a Sine Die party for the past 14 years in which I take time to DJ for a good bit of the evening.

What are you most looking forward to during the 2015 Legislative Session.

“The budget is on the members’ desks.”

If you could have another lobbyist’s client list, it would be…

Frank Bernardino and Lee Killinger.

Professional accomplishment of which you are most proud?

My reputation gained over 23 years of work in this process. This world is one of the last vestiges of handshake, give your word, relationship-based way of doing business. One’s effectiveness begins and ends with reputation.

Lobbyists are often accused of wearing Gucci loafers; do you own a pair of Gucci loafers? If not, why not?

One does not wear loafers to the Capitol. 

Who is your favorite Florida Capitol Press Corps reporter and why?

Matt Dixon, because he digs …

Other than SaintPetersBlog.com, your reading list includes…

WSJ, NYT, Sayfie, and  Esquire.

What swear word do you use most often?

All of them.

What is your most treasured possession?

The sum of my experiences.

The best hotel in Florida is …

The Breakers.

You’ve just learned that you will be hosting a morning talk show about Florida politics. Who are the first four guests you’d invite to appear?

Gus Corbella, Rick Wilson, Marc Reichelderfer, and Dylan Sumner.

Favorite movie.

Star Wars.

When you pig out, what do you eat?


If you could have dinner with a historical figure no longer living, who would it be?

A tie: Ben Franklin and Hedy Lamarr.


Brandy Baucknecht